Thick As Thieves: A Chat with regarding Luhasr confirm that they protect scammers and make money off them.
If you've read this blog then you know that back in December (2016) I raise concerns that one seller, Luhasr, was using 2 blatantly fake/misleading AdSense screenshots that were either created by himself or somebody he paid to promote his crappy micro niche service on

After multiple attempts, due to BlackHatWorld censorship, I was finally able to start probing whether those AdSense screenshots were genuine and exactly what they were based on.

True to form, Luhasr took a hands-off approach and didn't seem the slightest bit interested in verifying whether those screenshots were genuine or how they were achieved from his two-page one keyword website, which cost just $34.5.

Despite high hopes (initially), the rather brain-dead (or corrupt) moderator "I know SEO", got involved and confirmed that he was satisfied that the AdSense screenshots Luhasr was using were genuine (at least one of them anyway), and that he had seen the website in the flesh which contained over 9000 plus keywords and 12,000 plus pages.

I know SEO acknowledge that the buyer/the seller in disguise (Geoffreyroody) had done additional work to the unknown and mysterious website, but didn't think it was misleading for the seller (Luhasr) to use the AdSense screenshot, which boasted over 75 plus dollars a day, even though the figures were based on adding thousands upon thousands of additional pages and keywords.

Despite trying to point out an obvious discrepancy to I know SEO, he couldn't/wouldn't acknowledge that Luhasr was blatantly misleading interested buyers into thinking his service was a huge moneymaking gem, and essentially told me to sod off and let the seller continue selling his "great" micro niche service.

In all honesty, I wasn't that surprised that I got such a brain-dead response from the moderator. After all, I've already documented the extreme censorship that goes on on and the sheer amount of shady sellers selling useless/scam services that will undoubtably leave you out of pocket.

However, not one to give up, I thought, why not send an email several months later and see if somebody else (maybe the owner) can justify the way they allow Luhasr to sell his service.

Rather than rush in and say why is this seller allowed to sell his service in such a misleading/fraudulent manner, I first asked them whether sellers are allowed to sell their services using fake or misleading AdSense screenshots.

I also made sure that I gave nothing away or told or hinted that I originally raise concerns back in December over a particular seller.

Below is the exact conversation (including screenshots) that took place between me and BlackHatWorld via email. Nothing's been censored or altered.

All questions were sent to:

My question/responses are highlighted in green while theirs are highlighted in red. My email alias is Sundqvist and is IKS.

Question 1: 

 "Hello, could you tell me if a seller on this forum is allowed to use fake or misleading AdSense screenshots that do not represent the service they are selling."

First email message sent to regarding fake AdSense screenshots used by the user Luhasr response: 


Sellers are not allowed to promote their services with misleading or false reviews. If you have any serious proof you can provide regarding a seller's reviews, we can definitely look into to any suspect matters.

We have a lot of members make accusations against sellers on BHW, but unless there is any concrete evidence backing up the claims, there is very little we can do."

Second email message sent to regarding fake AdSense screenshots used by the user Luhasr.
My response: 

"Hello and thank you for your reply.

Yes, I can provide proof that one of your members is blatantly misleading interested buyers with a fake/misleading AdSense screenshot. In fact, he may be using two or more.

The seller in question is called Luhasr, and he sells a service called "Fill your Adsense Coffer in 2017 with Micro Niche Websites". The the service can be found at the following link:

The seller sells a very small micro niche website package consisting of 2 pages with an average word count of 500 to 700 words each for roughly $35. Nothing wrong with that. However, it's the way the service is sold with the assistance of at least two dubious AdSense screenshots which are highly unrealistic for such a small website package.

Back in December these 2 screenshots from geoffreyroody and outlooker were questioned by the user FogontheTyne who eventually got a response from one of your moderators (I know SEO), who stated he had received proof from geoffreyroody that he bought 1 site from Luhasr, and had been added to his Google Analytics.

However, here's where things don't add up. Your moderator, I know SEO than stated that geoffreyroody had done additional work to the original site he bought, that additional work included adding a whopping 12,000 plus pages, which focused around 9000 different keywords.

Here's the links:

Can you see the problem here?

Despite your moderator clearly stating that the site had had additional and rather excessive work done to it, he didn't stop Luhasr from using the AdSense screenshot to promote his service, even though it doesn't represent the package he sells since it had had an additional 12,000 articles and 9000 keywords added to the original 2 page website.

Now, this service is aimed at people who are predominantly inexperienced or clueless about web design, and I find it hard to believe that geoffreyroody would have just posted an AdSense screenshot without informing the rest of the forum that he had added an additional 12,000 plus pages to the 2 page website he originally bought. Nor do I think it would be physically possible for somebody to add that number of pages in this Google penalty-happy era in such a short space of time. Is geoffreyroody the seller in disguise? I don't know, but I think it's highly likely he is connected to him.

You can also see from the thread that the seller, Luhasr does nothing to address any concerns regarding the screenshots that he posts to promote his service.

Whatever way you look at this, it isn't fair nor honest for a seller to post an alleged AdSense screenshot from one of his customers, which is boasting figures of over $75 per day, when in fact, that figure is physically impossible to achieve unless you add thousands upon thousands of additional pages, which very conveniently the seller never once disclosed.

I know is about making money in less ethical ways, but blatantly tricking people into buying a service based one or more AdSense screenshots that don't represent the service being sold can only be described as a scam.

If you need any more information please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thanks for your time and I hope something gets done ASAP."

Third email message sent to regarding fake AdSense screenshots used by the user Luhasr. response: 


Thanks for your concern, you and a lot of other people seem to be fixated on this particular seller which I find very strange...

I have investigated many claims from people who have issues with the seller and I can understand where they have come from, but I can't do anything about it. They are well within their rights to keep publishing good reviews as the seller has (along with most other sellers).

On investigating the possible fake reviews the reviewer was kind enough to give me access to their website and indeed there was around 12,000 pages. Most of these were auto-generated by the reviewer in a very clever way.

The reviewer proved to me that the site was originally created by the seller and they have both done more than enough to make us happy with the authenticity of the review and service.

I completely appreciate where you're coming from with this, the site is very far removed from what was originally delivered and I can see why you feel people could be mislead, but on the other side of the argument I don't see how a user would be this service and then never add pages either... The seller is helping the new people by setting up a wordpress site, adding a couple of articles and finding them a good keyword to target. For $35 it's still a good deal and I'm sure if the buyers of this service do a good job with SEO and site maintenance they will earn money just like geoffreyroody has.


 Fourth email message sent to regarding fake AdSense screenshots used by the user Luhasr.

My response: 

"Hello again,

If, for example, I buy a used classic car from an online auction site, that costs no more than $500 that is a complete wreck and then spend 6 months of my time turning it into a prestige automobile which raises its value to $25,000, then it's me who's responsible for raising its value, not the seller.

If I then went on to praise and leave positive feedback for the seller, stating that the car he/she sold me for $500 made me a $24,500 profit without stating I had put 6 months of work into it, then that would be a blatantly false/misleading review.

If that seller, then went on to use my review as the foundation of his/hers sales pitch every time they sold a classic car, yet failed/refused to mention those figures were only achievable because the seller put lots of sweat, blood and tears into the car, then that would be wrong, if not fraudulent.

Sure, I would be well within my rights to praise the seller for supplying a sought-after car that needed lots of tender loving care, but it wouldn't be within my rights to withhold vital information regarding the final moneymaking figure, right?

The same applies to the seller, he/she would be well within their rights to promote that they sell sought-after cars that are in a bad way, but providing you're prepared to invest a lot of time into them, they could end up making you a huge profit, just like the buyer who made $24,500.

Shouldn't the same thing apply to Luhasr and the service he sells?

Neither luhasr, geoffreyroody or outlooker have ever stated that the $25-$75 daily figures that they allegedly make is based on adding thousands of additional pages to the original two-page one keyword website that's sold for $35.

If geoffreyroody or outlooker left just one review and that was it, it was never mentioned again or used by the seller, then no big deal. But its the fact that the seller (luhasr) uses their dubious AdSense screenshot every single time he promotes his service, which has been going on since the middle of last year by the looks of it.

That undoubtably influences inexperienced/clueless buyers who think they're onto a winner, yet haven't got a clue that those figures aren't even remotely achievable unless you use some kind of auto generate software which adds an additional 12,000 pages, because the seller (and his alleged customers) are both shy and evasive.

Is not as even if geoffreyroody received a good low competitive keyword that he could build a website around, because he's literally added a further 9000 plus. And if it was entirely done with auto-generated software, then I doubt if he's even still an AdSense customer, or certainly won't be for very long because Google is pretty hot pistol whipping people who use such tactics.

Sure, I understand Luhasr is a good customer of yours and you want him to continue selling his two-page one keyword website, but at what cost?

It's so easy for the seller to create additional accounts and post fake reviews and screenshots, and find it very hard to believe that both geoffreyroody and outlooker would have posted those figures without informing the rest of the forum they were based on adding a substantial number of additional pages and keywords.

Look through his thread and the average buyer is posting no more than a couple of dollars per month in earnings, which means you wouldn't even break even. That's not surprising considering it is such a small and thin micro niche service.

Geoffreyroody or outlookers review and screenshots do have a distinctive impression that they were posted to boost sales, and have now convenient become the foundation of the sellers sales pitch, rather than those low barely break even screenshots.

You said yourself when you first reply to me via this email that sellers are not allowed to use fake/misleading reviews or screenshots, but when you look at all the evidence, Luhasr clearly isn't being honest about the service he sells and is using a seller who has used auto-generated software, not the original two-page website he sold to generate the earnings that are constantly promoted.

From now on, would it not be 100% fair that the seller (luhasr) is not allowed to use the review/screenshots from either geoffreyroody or outlooker, or at the very least, it is clearly stated that the earnings those 2 have made is based on adding thousands of additional pages using high-risk tactics.

After all, your forum advises users to question services that look "too good to be true" and in the long term it's probably better for Luhasr to focus on promoting what he sells, i.e. a two-page one keyword micro niche website, unless more and more users are going to continue asking unnecessary questions.

That's all I ask.

Thanks your time."

Fifth email message sent to regarding fake AdSense screenshots used by the user Luhasr. response: 


I've already made it very clear in the thread that the result of these earnings are due to the extra work the buyer has done.

This is an issue which has been solved, lots of sellers do this but no one has an issue with these people.

Life's too short to be making lots of accounts to troll a sales thread on BHW like some people do.

Unless you are a competitor?


Sixth email message sent to regarding fake AdSense screenshots used by the user Luhasr.

My response: 


I've also presented undeniable evidence that neither the seller or his alleged buyers are not stating those earnings are based on "excessive" additional work to the original two-page one keyword website thats sold.

If anybody is trolling it's the seller and your forum by misleading people into buying something that isn't going to make them the "advertised" earnings.

No, I'm not a competitor just a decent person who doesn't like seeing people being scammed.

I'll also be honest and tell you that our email conversation will be featured in an upcoming blog post, documenting your clear reluctance to take action against a seller who is clearly selling his service in a dishonest/fraudulent manner.

If you would like to add anything else regarding your defence, I'd be more than happy to include it in my blog post.

Thanks your time."

Seventh email message sent to regarding fake AdSense screenshots used by the user Luhasr. response: 


Feel free to do as you wish, if you want to publish this we have nothing to hide.

I took time out of my day to verify the reviews after multiple reports of them being fake. I found a user who did buy the service and is earning the sort of money quoted on the thread. He may have done more work on his own back but I would expect most people to do the same with further content, design changes or whatever.

The seller is selling a service to get over the technical hump of setting up a website. It offers great value if you have never set up a wordpress website or you don't know where to start.

The seller is also not the only seller making claims such as this, I don't know why you are just focusing on them.

All users are encouraged to report reviews if they believe they are fake, a huge amount of my time is spent closing bad threads, banning fake accounts and closing sales threads that break our rules.

This user is not someone I need to worry about. They have been investigated and I saw nothing to concern me, I made it very clear in my review audit that the buyer carried out extensive work on the website to make it earn the money it has.

What more can we do?

You're also blogging about this? Have you not got more interesting things to talk about?

We live in a world where technology is jumping ahead every day, 3D printing, self driving cards, rockets, hyperloops, AI, virtual reality.... and you're focusing on someone who builds adsense sites for $35ish for a bit of money on the side.

That's a little boring. but have fun. I'm sure the world needs to know what is going on here.


Eighth email message sent to regarding fake AdSense screenshots used by the user Luhasr.

My response: 

"My very first question was were sellers allowed to use fake or misleading AdSense screenshots on your forum.

Your answer was a resounding NO.

However, the evidence is quite clear that isn't the case, as you are quite happy to continue letting a seller sell his micro niche service based on at least 2 phoney AdSense screenshots which "allegedly" were created using auto generated software which added a further 9000 plus keywords and 12,000 plus pages to the original one keyword two-page website thats being sold.

Oh, and has this ever been stated on the sellers thread? No.

You say you have nothing to hide?

To be honest, I haven't asked for anybody to be burned at the stake, but simply for you to tell the seller to sell his service in an honest and legitimate manner, not on some fantasy screenshots based on something completely different that would most likely get your AdSense account banned and your website penalised.

Like you say, the seller offers nothing more than a small basic website set up on WordPress for newbies, not pros who know how to use a host of WordPress plugins such as auto generated contents software.

You also say the seller offers great value for money, yet if you review his current samples, they are clearly not up to current web standards, to put it very lightly. Oh, and then there's the negative reviews which moderators of your forum seem to take a very hands-off approach to.

Sound familiar?

No, I'm not denying that never take action against shady/scam sellers, in fact, I've seen at least 2 micro niche website sellers that have been banned in the last few months, one of them who threatened a buyer with negative SEO, and another one who's ban wasn't publicly stated, but had been using an "unrealistic" AdSense screenshots.

You think I have nothing better to do than blog about this, but it's better than selling a poor/substandard service using spinning software, which many of your "vetted" sellers sell, only for the buyer to soon quickly realise they been sold a duff, as the reviews clearly demonstrate.

There would have been no need for me to blog about this seller or if he hadn't created dummy accounts to post fake/misleading screenshots based on something that has absolutely nothing to do with what he sells. And it would have been even easier if you took action as soon as the fake/misleading screenshots were first brought to your attention.

The sellers email addresses will be included in my blog post, as this is recommended by your "not getting scammed guide", so when people do a Internet search for the seller's name and email addresses, they they can easily find and read all the evidence, and specifically your reluctance to stop it.

No, I don't think my blog post will win a Grammy, but if it helps protect a handful "native" people every year from a blatant scam, then I've done a good and worthy job.

And hey, maybe I'll slap some AdSense code on it and make up to $75 per day and write a step-by-step guide on about it.

Then again, censorship probably wouldn't approve.

All the best."

Ninth email message sent to regarding fake AdSense screenshots used by the user Luhasr. response: 


I don't understand why you feel so invested in this one thread, can you explain please?


Tenth email message sent to regarding fake AdSense screenshots used by the user Luhasr.
My response:

"Here's another example.

If I buy a Chevrolet that has a basic 1.6 4 cylinder engine, yet I fit a 3.0 6 cylinder engine, which increases its power to 500 hp, would I have to inform my insurance company or could I pretend it's still a Chevrolet with a 1.6 engine?

The answer is yes, unless I would be committing fraud.

Luhasr, an "approved" BlackHatWorld seller sells a basic/poor two-page website based on one keyword, yet uses a couple of fantasy AdSense screenshots, which are based on websites (that you conveniently don't want to share) that have thousands upon thousands of additional pages added, yet its never stated in the sales thread, nor does the seller or any of his alleged buyers ever mention it.

Is Luhasr selling his service in an honest or factual manner?

Unless you're or a scammer, the answer would be no.

In all honesty, I doubt if he's the only current scammer on your forum, and I certainly don't have enough time to investigate other threads, that's your job.

If you want to keep on denying that there is no problem here, then that's your choice.

It seems rather strange that you are so interested in "protecting" a blatant scammer and damaging your website reputation in the process, just because you won't ask him to stop. I know that doesn't have a squeakyclean reputation, but you aren't going to clean it up by acting like this.

At the end of the day your "let's play dumb" attitude is just providing me with "great" contents for my blog post.

No, it won't destroy your forum, but as I previously said, if it saves a few "native" individuals from being ripped off, then I've done a good and worthy job.

All the best."

Eleventh email message sent to regarding fake AdSense screenshots used by the user Luhasr. response:

Your examples are crazy, you're not buying a car you're buying a $35 WordPress website. (plus the set up and techy aspects that noobs struggle with...)

"Luhasr, an "approved" BlackHatWorld seller"
The only users we approve are enterprise level members, Luhasr simply has an approved thread. They are not the same thing.

"uses a couple of fantasy AdSense screenshots,"
They are real screenshots, I was on a screenshare with one of the review guys and he let me view the account and added me to his analytics. They are not fake at all, they are happy customers.

"based on websites (that you conveniently don't want to share)"
I'm not going to make a BHW's website public so people can harm it just because you have your panties in a twist over a guy selling adsense websites.

"Is Luhasr selling his service in an honest or factual manner?"
Yes, he says he's selling 2 page websites and that is what users are getting.

"In all honesty, I doubt if he's the only current scammer on your forum, and I certainly don't have enough time to investigate other threads, that's your job."
We close threads all the time and constantly ban users. Luhasr is not a problem to anyone else in the world except for you.

"At the end of the day your "let's play dumb" attitude is just providing me with "great" contents for my blog post."
Send me the link when you've done it. I would hate for you to go to all this effort and have 0 people read it.

Your argument does not make sense.

Since June I have posted over 9000 times in the marketplace, reviewing new services or cleaning up old ones. The markerplace is not perfect, it will probably never be perfect and I'm happy to investigate any seller that is reported.

This seller is not the problem, you are. They were reported, I spent 3-4 hours looking through their thread for fake reviews or upset customers and all I could see was 1 butthurt person making multiple accounts in an attempt to derail them.

This seller is not even the only person posting adsense screenshots like this, but they are the only one that you seem to attack? Can you explain that...

I'm honestly bored of this thread, I've verified the reviews and made it as clear as I can that the websites success is down to the additional work that the buyer did. It's a real review from a real customer, I am not closing a sales thread because a real customer left a comment, that's stupid and you're crazy if you think that is something I will do.

If you have a problem with a seller, instead of created multiple accounts to troll them and write blog posts, why not just ignore them? What has this person done to do you make you so angry and bitter?

I am not playing dumb, I'm bored of you. I've looked into the issue, I've resolved it as best I can and I see no grounds to shut their thread.

I don't see the issue, As I said lots of other sellers also use their customers success to sell their products, lots of SEO services use rank tracking screenshots, lots of sellers who earnings or traffic reports... As part of the standard marketplace practice we have now began verifying all of these claims.

Hopefully over time, every claim such as this will be verified. But Luhasr's thread we already have verified their claims.


Twelfth email message sent to regarding fake AdSense screenshots used by the user Luhasr.

My response:
Okay, here's another problem.

You're allowing the seller (Luhasr) to post at least one AdSense screenshots which you yourself confirmed was based on "auto generated" software.

As we know, Luhasr doesn't sell such a service, nor is it stated in his sales thread.

However, let's say it was.

Now, does Google AdSense approve of auto generated contents?

No they don't, and here's the proof: "Fact: We don't allow sites with auto-generated or otherwise unoriginal content to participate in the AdSense program. This is to ensure that our users are benefiting from a unique online experience and that our advertisers are partnering with useful and relevant sites."

Now, was the screenshot that "Geoffreyroody" posted which boasted figures of over $75 per day factual?

As I'm sure you know, Google has a very advanced algorithm which can easily detect auto generated software within a matter of days. And quite frankly anybody who's added 12,000 plus pages in a matter of a few months would stick out like a sore thumb.

Now, for all I or you know, Geoffreyroody (or that other user who posted unrealistic AdSense screenshots) never actually received a single penny from Google AdSense, but instead were pistol whipped the moment they were due to be paid.

Okay, I'm sure you're gonna say nooooooo, they weren't pistol whipped by Google, and are still going strong, yet you clearly can't/won't provide proof that is the case.

I would say there's a 99.9% chance that the world's most advanced search engine and ad publisher is fully aware of Geoffreyroody unethical tactics (if they really happen) and have acted accordingly, which in layman's term would be an outright ban from Google AdSense.

Before you make more untenable excuses, consider this: is it right to blatantly mislead people into buying a $35 micro niche service with the impression that you can make up to 75 plus dollars using auto generated contents, when in fact you can't because it's against Google's terms, which will result in a quick and lifetime ban from their ad platform?

Oh, and if you go back to phase 1 and say it's not stated on that thread that you can make up to 75 plus dollars a day using auto generated software, then were back to the obvious problem that you're allowing a one keyword two-page service be sold with the aid of something that has absolutely nothing to do with it.

And trust me I'm not the one who's trolling that's you and Luhasr who are blatantly ripping "native" people off.

And before you respond, please note all this will go into my blog post, so please try to justify your reason for either blatantly misleading people into buying a dud service, or offering them bad advice which will end up in a lifetime AdSense ban.

All the best.

Thirteenth email message sent to regarding fake AdSense screenshots used by the user Luhasr. response:

This is not auto generated pages, this is a template with real information passed in.

The site itself is very good.

My response:

First it was "auto generated" now it's a "template".

If the site is so good and in accordance with Google's guidelines, then you won't mind sharing it with me, will you?

After all, there's nothing I could possibly do to "harm" it.

Remember all of this is being documented in a blog post, so it's in your best interest to be honest and open.

All the best.

Fourteenth email message sent to regarding fake AdSense screenshots used by the user Luhasr. response:


I'm bored of this, can I help you with anything specifically related to the forum?

I'm not sharing the site, it's not mine to share. I don't want an innocent members money site to be outed because you have issues with a review.

Secondly, please get a life. The odds of you being born was 400 TRILLION to one.

You're choosing to waste your energy on this... Man wake up.

Do something productive.

My response:


All my questions have been related to your forum, more specifically, a service being sold by one of your "vetted" sellers.

Considering the site in question is being used to promote the service being sold, I think it's a fair request to see it in the flesh. After all, it's an "allegedly" family safe, AdSense friendly website that gets 70,000 plus visitors per month, and can make over $75 per day.

If for some bizarre reason, you don't want to give me the precise URL, then just give me a keyword is ranking for and I'm sure I'll find it.

Repeatedly refusing, and flip-flopping all over the place only strengthens my belief that the site does not exist, and the screenshot is pure fantasy, created by the seller to boost sales with approval.

Oh, this should also interest you. Today a seller by the name of "cryptic2016" posted a review where he/she seems bamboozled that the 2 websites they bought from Luhasr have turned out to be a complete dud, making them just $.50 in total, despite some SEO work.

He or she seems to be under the distinct impression that they should be making considerably more, perhaps the same as Geoffreyroody.

Of course, $.50 from 2 poorly made/spun websites sounds about right to me, making the "highly unrealistic" AdSense screenshots, even more suspect.

All the best. response:


The site does not belong to me and I won't be sending it to you, as I've said many times. You're kind of obsessed and I don't trust you. I don't want an innocent persons site getting attacked because you want to prove a point or whatever.

If you don't believe the site exists or whatever then that's fine. I will not lose sleep on this.

Also, that's a face review posted from your computer....

We're not stupid.

My response:

It's a website on the Internet. It's hardly the codes to a nuclear weapon.

If it's freely available to web searchers, then why aren't I or anybody else allowed to see it. After all, I've repeatedly stated its use to promote the service being sold, which is a fact.

If the website is clean and AdSense friendly, then there's nothing I or anybody else could possibly do to harm its existence. Your reluctance to share it is either proof it doesn't exists, or at the very least, it lasted a matter of 5 minutes before Google pistol whipped it.

Remember, this is being blogged about, so is in your interest to be honest and open.

So far, you've only demonstrated that you want to protect "one" individual and the seller, yet don't care if others are misled/scammed into buying a poorly made service, which at best would probably only make you $1-$2 per month, not the repeatedly advertised 75 plus dollars per day.

Think about it!

Also, that review has absolutely nothing to do with me, and is further proof you have no control over reviews, including "dubious" AdSense screenshots, most likely posted by the seller himself.

Thanks again. response:

You clearly have an agenda on the matter so it's a waste of time to speak with you again.

I will not be responding again. We looked into the issue and saw nothing of any concern.

I clearly stated on the thread that the website making that money had extra work done to it. I am happy with that and so is everyone except for you.

I sent one more message to, which is the following:

You haven't looked into the issue you've flip-flopped all over the place and contradicted yourself.

Why would you give an "alleged" customer who has no contract with you special treatment?

What's the big secret? Why can't this "amazing" website be revealed?

Shouldn't your number one priority be protecting members of your forum, and ensuring that "vetted" sellers are not allowed to run wild by posting screenshots which are not just highly unrealistic, cannot be verified, or even related to the service they sell.

Of course, it's become blatantly obvious that you won't take action against one single seller, because if you do undermine his scam, then you'll be undermine other (not all) sellers of your forum, who are all selling their substandard service in a bogus/fraudulent manner.

After all, who the hell would sell or even approve of a micro niche website that supposedly can make you hundreds, sometimes even thousands per month for as little as $30-$50?

Answer: Nobody.

You criticised me for raising questions about the dubious AdSense screenshots in the first place, or by blogging about it, but you're clearly the one with moral issues since you rely on scammers for your income.

If that's the way you want to live, then that's your choice. Just don't complain when it all backfires.

All the best.

After that I received no response whatsoever from  


As you can see, I had a very lengthy conversation with I have no idea whether it was the morally bankrupt owner or his corrupt moderators.

You can clearly see that confirmed that sellers are not allowed to mislead/scam people into buying their service by using phony AdSense screenshots that do not represent the service they sell. However, you can also see that they use caution and want "solid" proof before they investigate or take action.

Despite presenting clear evidence that the seller (Luhasr) only sells a 2 page one keyword website, and that the AdSense screenshot posted by Geoffreyroody (a.k.a. Luhasr in disguise) was based on a massive 9000 plus keywords and 12,000 plus pages, which in itself was confirmed by themselves they maintained a "let's play dumb/there's no issue" attitude throughout the conversation.

Even after giving them dozens of examples that it isn't fair, honest, or even remotely factual to post AdSense screenshot based on a site that doesn't represent the service being sold, they still maintained a "let's play dumb" attitude.

However, attitude change somewhat when I pointed out that Geoffreyroody's "alleged" website which was based on auto generated software wouldn't comply with Google AdSense terms and conditions and would result in a lifetime ban when detected.

I also pointed out, that there was no proof whatsoever that Geoffreyroody, or any of the other highly unrealistic AdSense screenshots were ever paid out, as Google check that a website meets its terms and conditions before they pay. And any website based on auto generated software would almost certainly never receive a payment from Google AdSense. then did a bit of flip-flopping and claimed that Geoffreyroody's website wasn't actually based on auto generated software, but was a "template". They wouldn't explain exactly what a template was, but I'm guessing it somebody else's contents within a template, which would never rank or even get indexed by Google.

Despite asking several times, they would not send me the URL of the website, because I might "hurt" its ranking, by reporting it though, since it was supposedly a clean AdSense friendly website that would be physically impossible, right?

I even get accused of being a competitor, though I can honestly say I would never resort to selling a dud services on any website, and that allegation only confirms that sellers get narky with each other because they use scam/underhand tactics to sell their crap.

Moreover,  my concerns that I presented to were perfectly exonerated when a user called "cryptic2016" made a post where he/she was deeply disappointed and confused that the 2 websites they had purchased from Luhasr had only made a grand total of $.50 despite some backlink building.

Cryptic2016 had clearly been influenced by the phoney "positive" AdSense screenshots posted by Luhasr (or a paid associate of his), but BlackHatWorld response was to accuse me of posting that review.

A user questions whether people are really making money from Luhasr's micro niche website service.

I was always open and civilised with and even stated that I would be using our conversation in a blog post, however, they simply didn't care and found the phoney/misleading AdSense screenshot thing amusing.

In a nutshell, entire economy is based on selling dud and scam services to "native" individuals, and the reason they won't take any action whatsoever, even simply asking Luhasr to stop using AdSense screenshots which cannot be verified, is because they can't undermine his scam because if they do, it will undermine everything that's sold through the forum.

Sure, I won't deny that don't take action against their "vetted" sellers as I have seen at least one who's been banned for threatening a customer with negative SEO, but as I've already documented it seems very selective and they clearly give Luhasr (and no doubt many others) special treatment as he is one of their longest serving paying customers.

In all honesty, I would quite confidently say that at least 90% of all services sold through are either complete crap or outright scams. You only have to look at what's being sold, such as search engine optimisation packages that claim to get your site to the top of Google or the micro niche service made up of spun or auto generated contents which can supposedly make you hundreds or even thousands per month.

It's no secret that has had a long and shady history, and my conversation with them only verifies that it's run by a morally bankrupt individual (and moderators) who relies on scammers to line their own pockets with money.

My advice is a is to use extreme caution when buying anything from the forum. Sure, not everything is a scam, but I'm sure the majority of it is.

And of course, don't fall for Luhasr micro niche service, which is a complete dud that would never make you the advertised earnings, let alone even cover the cost of your domain name.

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